The Ultimate Guide to Car Battery Buying

The Ultimate Guide to Car Battery Buying
The Ultimate Guide to Car Battery Buying

How important is a car battery to you? If you are like most people, the answer is very. When it comes to choosing a car battery, several factors should be considered including price, warranty, and customer reviews. In this guide, we will talk about all three of these things in detail so that you know what to look for when buying a new battery.

Battery Size

Batteries are classified and identified by their group sizes, representing the battery’s length, width, and height. The group size will help you determine where the battery lies in your car and how much space it takes up. There are three common sizes that batteries come in: Group Size 28, Group Size 34 and Group Size 48.

The smaller the number associated with a battery’s classification (group size), the larger the physical dimensions of its case; therefore, if you are trying to replace a battery that is not currently in your car, you will want to make sure the new one fits inside.

Reserve Capacity

Reserve capacity (or RC) is the number of minutes a fully charged battery at 80°F will discharge 25 amps until the voltage falls below unusable levels. This does not include engine cranking time which may be up to 30 seconds.
Car batteries are classified according to their reserve capacity or how long they can deliver 25 amperes (amps) before their voltage drops to unusable levels. The longer the reserve capacity, the better because it means your car will be able to start for a longer time during emergencies or extreme weather conditions.

The higher the number associated with this classification, the greater amount of amperes that a battery can provide without having any major effect on its voltage. This will be important to consider when buying a car battery because the higher R/C typically means that it is able to provide more amperes during emergencies or extreme weather conditions.

Power Requirement

This refers to Cold Cranking Amps (CCA) and Cranking Amps (CA). The higher the number associated with this classification, the greater amount of amperes that a battery can provide without having any major effect on its voltage. This will be important to consider when buying a car battery because the higher R/C typically means that it is able to provide more amperes during emergencies or extreme weather conditions.


Warranties are a great way to know what you can expect from your battery but should not be the only determining factor in deciding which brand/model to go with. Car batteries come with many different warranties because no one knows how long they will last until they are tested by time.

Many of these batteries come with a warranty that can range anywhere from 18 months all the way up to five years in length, so it is best not just look at one particular brand but do your research and look at the prices of several. This will help you minimize wasting money on something that may not even be worth it.


The price of batteries can vary widely between different brands and models, so it is best to look at one particular brand and do your research and look at several prices. When it comes to car batteries, price varies by brand and model so be sure that you do your research before deciding on a particular one.

Many different brands have been tried and tested for being dependable enough even during emergencies or extreme weather conditions. This is especially important if you live in an area where this is a common occurrence.

Previous Experience

Your previous experiences can help determine what kind of car battery is right for you and your vehicle. If in the past, a certain brand has been reliable enough to work even during extreme weather conditions, then that would be an indicator that it might be worth buying again when the time comes around to purchase a new one.


Be sure to consider all of these factors when deciding which battery is right for you and your vehicle.
When purchasing a car battery, it is important not just to think about the price but also do research on other brands because this will help you determine what kind of brand/model would be best suited for your particular needs. The previous experiences with a certain brand can help you determine if it is worth buying again and the warranty that would come along with such an investment.

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